Laura Ingalls Wilder is beginning life with her new husband, Almanzo, in their own little house. Laura is a young pioneer wife now, and must work hard with Almanzo, farming the land around their home on the South Dakota prairie. Soon their baby daughter, Rose, is born, and the young family must face the hardships and triumphs encountered by so many American pioneers.

And so Laura Ingalls Wilder’s adventure as a little pioneer girl ends, and her new life as a pioneer wife and mother begins…..

Book NINE!! Wowie! I actually have no recollection of this book, therefore it will be more fun to read than the others. After this we will be reading ALLLLLLL the rest of the Little House books on our bookshelf to finish out the school year. We have various books and I will post what we are reading. There are several new books recently on Laura and I think I will be focused on two of them this summer.

It has been amazing to me the meticulous details of everyday life written about in this series. They are especially enjoyable as read aloud books and I highly recommend doing so.


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