
Anne of Green Gables is a FAVORITE here.

SOOOOOOO. I watched the Netflix Anne with an E. NOTAFAN.

I feel like someone killed my Anne. It’s so DARK….it’s so so so DARK. The story is changed. It’s so DARK. It should come with trigger warnings and should be PG13 for sure. So no Anne with an E for me. I’ll stick to the rereading of the book, which is so enjoyable, and go to the library to get the other version of Anne with my beloved Megan Fellows and all will be right in my world again.



I’ve finished my reread, I so enjoyed visiting this book and the world of Anne. I have put the Megan Fellows DVDs on hold at the library so that we can view them as a family. I can’t wait to introduce her to my son. The reviews of the Netflix Anne with an E are either very good or very bad, I have not seen a middle ground review as of yet. It’s interesting how people try to ‘win’ others over to ‘their’ side regarding their opinion. I don’t like it at all, however it if gets people to READ the book I think that is wonderful. IF people enjoy this version, that’s wonderful too. I’m just going to stick to the one I love.


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