During a friendship from college until their forties, two friends survive a husband’s betrayal, nearly dying in the 1968 Paris riots, learning a parent isn’t what they thought, and building a business. They exchange the same Christmas card year after year with one or the other adding a single sentence summing up her life for that year………
I rescued this book from a high school weed. I plan to donate it to the summer bookmobile when I’m finished. The story line intrigued me. Looks to be a quick read.
A little insomnia and this book is done! It was a quick read. A good fluff read for the middle of the night. The story of the friendship and the lives of these two women flowed easily in the writing. The idea of the same card being sent back and forth with one word on it for every year is a fantastically fun idea. Quick fun read!! Just like that I’m headed to book FIVE!