The Pearl that Broke it’s Shell

“This life is difficult. We lose fathers, brothers, mothers, songbirds and pieces of ourselves. Whips strike the innocent, honors go to the guilty, and there is too much loneliness. I would be a fool to pray for my children to escape all of that. Ask for too much and it might actually turn out worse. But I can pray for small things, like fertile fields, a mother’s love, a child’s smile—a life that’s less bitter than sweet.”

“On education – Every bit does some good. I’m lucky I know how to read. It’s a candle in a dark room. What I don’t know, I can find out for myself. It’s easier to fool someone who can’t figure things out on his own.” 

What a gorgeous beautifully painful book to read. There are no words really. Woven together like a beautiful tapestry the stories of these incredible women. I am still taking it in and I finished a week ago.

On we read……

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