Summer Reading
In the beginning of May of this year I used a quote of Malcolm’s in conversation stating it was his quote.
“IF you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
I was referring to our current political climate. Upon speaking of this several of my book friends stated that they either wanted to read or reread the autobiography of Malcolm X. My old copy was unreadable, finding it on Amazon for 3.99 I purchased a few copies and planned for summer of X using the hashtag #XSummer2020. THEN a few weeks later another cop murdered yet another black man and that went viral. Our reading became more important and more importantly our purposely being anti-racist. In that we have decided to read a couple chapters a week until August. So that we can really take it in. Study everything around it. Read newspaper archives, watch film and movies and youtube. Listen. Learn. Educate ourselves. Educate others. Share our learning. We are in week two of this. It has been an experience already. I, personally revisiting the book and 1992 movie, am seeing it with different eyes. It is good. I look forward to the unlearning and the learning of racism, because it means that I can move forward better and help change the narrative.