Pemberlittens May/June


Emma Woodhouse
is one of Austen’s most captivating and vivid characters.
Beautiful, spoilt, vain and irrepressibly witty,
Emma organizes the lives of the inhabitants of her sleepy little village
and plays matchmaker with devastating effect….

Emma my least favorite Austen..

Jane Austen 

Chapter a day… 

Bronte girl re-reads Austen. The leader of this Pemberlittens group I joined is fantastic. Her daily post to us are magical and thus I find myself re-reading my most loathed Austen, Emma. I have seen movies, read this and still just no. So why I am even trying again? Every once in awhile I re-read a former loathed book or book with a loathed character, to see if I feel the same. I have now on Chapter 32 been laughing, daily, at the ridiculousness of it all….much needed humor in my life. Thus, on I read.

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