I went to my library to pick up my holds to discover that they ALL came in at once! Hilarious! However it is almost Christmas Break,  so I’m all set in the book department! When I walked in the librarians said  ‘Hello Christine we have an entire shelf filled with your holds! You have your own shelf!!’  We have such a lovely tiny branch by my house and it always feels like going home when I’m there.

I was very excited to see the book GOOD GIRLS REVOLT by Lynn Povich! I watched this on Amazon season one. it was phenomenal! UNFORTUNATELY there are new people at the head at Amazon and they’ve not picked it up for a second season, which is ridiculous and sad. So I immediately put it on hold at the library. I can not wait to dive into it!

The library always makes cute seasonal bookmarks so I grabbed the Happy Hanukkah one.  Let’s see if I can get through the bag before the time is up! Thankful for the renewal option.



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