January Ten

The Twelve Dancing Princesses – GRIMMS

There are many many many versions of this, I still prefer the original. I do love seeing most picture books that are true to the story- READ NOT BARBIE. It is fun to try to find the many adaptations this month.

Chloe Gong

Shakespeare is shining through in Violent Things…. Such a wild ride.

My thoughts on this weeks section ……thus also our discussion points…


Anton has his body 

The guard finds him

Hair dye, water pressure & towels

Yellow umbrella

Leida & Calla

Jump in me- Calla

Well well well

I guess I forgot you can’t jump in if someone’s already there?!


Anyway interesting premise


Jumps into a guard

Do we know who Bibi is? Did I forget? 😩

Galepei, Sure he’s killed Otta ???!!!???

Otta and Anton and Seiqu

I’m gonna need a chart for all this jumping 

Ottas announcement..

Apparently the royal people are supposed to be in charge 


Antons ego

Callas anger, heartbreak and envy

Good combinations 

So Calla, Kills.


A sign…

I have no clue ..

Happy Friday …. fresh baked muffins are ready to eat…..

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