9/11 Fifteen years later- How do we explain.

How do you explain 9/11 to children who weren’t born when it happened. How can you explain the feeling we all had as a country. The waiting to see if there were survivors. Watching airplanesĀ enter buildings and kill thousands of innocent people including little toddlers flying on the planes with their families, we couldn’t comprehend it then or now.

My son became interested in 9/11 this year for the first time. He is ten years old. The towers fell 15 years ago. Hard to believe for us as adults. Hard to comprehend for child.

I’ve been searching for books for us to read together to help with understanding and learning about this horrific event. I have found a few. This one, however takes place at the 15 year mark and is has very good insight on how to make a story that children could relate to.

We picked up this copy at our local library. I will, however, be looking to buy a copy for us to keep here at home.

Book on.

Reading is essential for learning and understanding.


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