time of my life by Allison Winn Scotch

What if you could go back and choose differently. What would you now see with your eyes that you didn’t see then. What is it you’re trying to solve, recaptured, fix and/or change. Would you, given the chance, with what you now feel and have lived through, see it clearly. After seeing yourself many years younger making the same decisions, would you change the course. Would those changes alter your life or would you end up the in the same place. Can you see clearly now that it was you.

This book is about that, and so much more.

I choose this book for a ‘fluff’ read after a bunch of non-fiction and heavier reads of late. I really shouldn’t use the word ‘fluff’ because the books by this author have depth, and make you think. They are written very well.  Fluff to me is a cozy read. Snuggle up in a blanket, get the cocoa and read.

I was emailed about this author a year ago and pre-ordered her book  In Twenty YearsIt arrived July 1st, this past summer. I took on vacation and read it immediately. It was a really fun read. I then looked up a few more of Allison’s books to keep for when I wanted to read ‘fluff’ again.

time of my life did not disappoint. It did, however, make me think a little more than I had planned on. Still the book was a good ‘curl up in a blanket on a very cold day with some cocoa’ read.  I recommend giving it a go!


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