Traveling Book Club update

A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor : this book was good at the start and then slowed way down, it finally picks up and then goes really quickly to the end.  It is about two separated sisters and takes place in the late 1800s and in the early 1900s in London’s poor district, of the girls who sold flowers. A historical read, the first half of the book was so much more interesting, lyrical and captivating for me.  Then the ending went quickly because you wanted to see how it ended. IF you enjoy historical fiction I would still recommend it. I learned about a part of history that I really had no knowledge of and cannot wait to discuss it at our quarterly meeting for book club.

The French Gardener by Santa Montefiore: I could NOT get into this book this go around so I passed it over to the next on the list. It will circle back to me where I will try it again. I typically read non-fiction. If I read fiction I am really picky and will dump it immediately if it doesn’t grab me. I also typically don’t read any romance type books. So out this went…..

The Witch of Little Italy by Suzanne Palmieri: I assume this is marketed as an adult read, but it reminded me of a teenagers book. Although the main character is supposed to be a grown up she was more like a younger teenager, very immature. Still the story line was good, the premise a good idea, it reminded me of Sabrina the Teenaged Witch a little. Definitely not a book I would pick up normally, but I mustered through it!


Next up on the list to read from this club:

The Readers of the Broken Wheel by Katarina Bivald


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