The story of the stack …

The NEW stack of books explained…….


Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is one of my very favorite books. TOP FIVE. I absolutely LOVE the language. It’s beautiful. I like Jane, her tenacity, how she thinks, how she acts and how she deals with the life that is dealt to her. Readers who read Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters usually say Jane is the darker of the two. I would say the Bronte sisters are true to life and Jane Austen books are fairy tale types. Although I enjoy both, I am definitely team Bronte, Jane at heart. A strong independent will. I have 4 different copies of Jane Eyre and have recently started picking up different adaptations and covers to add to my collection. Thus I purchased the book on the left this weekend. The one on the right almost made it in the bag as well, but I was practicing restraint.


L.M. Montgomery wrote Anne Of Green Gables and is the author of these Emily books, which I have yet to read. I recently became aware of this series while updating my Anne of Green Gables collection. In the town I live in they are hard to come by with this cover. So I have been on the hunt for them. My love found the one on the left weeks ago while traveling, such a good eye he has for his book crazy wife.  My daughter and I found the other this weekend, also while traveling out of town. My plan is to find them all and then read them.

Note of credit: my love is the one who introduced me to the Anne Of Green Gables series. One of the only times in my life I watched a series on the screen before reading the book/s.



LACE by Shirley Conran

This came out when I was in high school, and was FORBIDDEN and so I made sure to get a copy and read it! They say during banned book week that one of the ways to get a child to read a book is to tell them that they can not. Although this was not always true for me, in this case it was.  It later came out on TV as a miniseries, which I also had the guilty pleasure of watching. I have not seen this book in print in three decades. I never owned my own copy. I felt extremely rebellious purchasing this and actually am going to stick it in my car to read when I get stuck by a train, or setting at parent pick up.  I can’t wait to see if I laugh at my 15 year old self or just enjoy the nostalgia. Also of note, this may or may not go over well if someone asks me what I am reading. That fact alone makes me smile.


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The Right Thing by Amy Conner

I always cruise the bargain racks, stacks, displays and tables. You never know what you will find. I am also a SUCKER for DECKED pages. I just love them. So when I saw that this book starts in the 1960s, is about friendship, had decked pages and a picture of little girls holding my son’s favorite flower, I had to purchase it. Looking forward to reading it soonish. As my TBR pile grows and grows……..

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