Heidi, an old classic studied today.



This lovely classic is being read in my child’s fourth grade classroom. He attends a Charlotte Mason school, a classical learning style, with a lot of narrative. This is a switch for us from the Montessori style learning he has been in for kindergarten through third grade. We love Montessori, however the school we wanted him in has a long wait list. So in the hunt for another option we found this. I have been totally impressed with the way he has been learning and the styles they are teaching him in. It has been wonderful! Plus side not homework other than reading for his grade level. This is exactly our view, no homework, other than reading, is necessary at this age level. Back to Heidi. It is so much fun to see him and the other children get into this classic. We even found his sister’s old Heidi doll and a really fun illustrated copy to take along to his class for a fun show and tell. We have put on hold two different Heidi movies at the library and we can not wait to watch them. I would recommend reading this with your child. There are so many adaptations and versions that you would have no trouble finding an appropriate read for your family to enjoy an old classic.

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