Election Day 2016

Here we go on an adventure!
My thoughts.
And how books always enter them.

Day 300 – A Blessing For You

May you, the God of Respect, be with us. Help us to take a “second look” at each sister and brother, that we might notice their courage, their dedication, their human dignity. Inspire us to be advocates for those in need of a voice, a prayer, a visit, a word of encouragement or gratitude. May You, the God of Respect, bless us.
–©Maxine Shonk, OP
Every morning I wake up to an email from the sisters, nuns who live in a city about an hour away. A much looked forward to email containing a daily blessing for me. I’ve participated for 3 years. Sometimes I read them through laughter or tears or just plain awe that the blessing is speaking right to my heart!  Today was a straight to the heart blessing.

This election season has been filled with just crazy, no other words, it made me think of Alice in Wonderland this morning….as a child I was told it was a horrible book and should not be read by children so OF COURSE I immediately read it and fell in LOVE with the story.img_5367
The following is the quote I thought of while heading to vote:
“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

I was then curious to see what today’s devotional page read. Since it’s an old devotional, it does not recognize that we are voting today.
I have had a hard time with people saying ‘God is in his Heaven still’ this is a quote being repeated since they are so over the top worried about the election. I am not. Although I agree that God is in his Heaven, I have problems with ‘religion’ aspect people are using. Faith. Where is their faith, is what I think. I view my faith as more relational and just trying to be Jesus, and bring Jesus to people. My daily goal and hot mess struggle is to bring peace, joy and love to people because of who Jesus is, which makes me who I am.  A liberal hippie who loves with a fire in her soul and grace in her heart. The following devotional was pretty dead on today.
I did vote this morning
Although I have been accused of not voting like Jesus…..umreally?…..I voted for who I thought would fight for the poor, women, children, education,  minorities, my friends in the military, people in the prisons and people working in the prisons etc etc.  And no matter the outcome of today’s election, I will read books like I breathe the air, cook amazing food, love with all my heart and be the best servant of the greater good that I can be.

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