Longing for PEACE

Today’s Instagram challenge is longing. Longing, in advent, I had to think a bit “What I am longing for this advent season?” Peace. I am longing for peace. Peace in the world. Peace in our country. Peace amongst each other. Peace. I don’t foresee that in the near future. So I will stick with my favorite saying about peace.

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

That peace does NOT mean that I will not fight, protest, do all in my power to speak for those who can’t. I will. I will not be silent and I refuse to be silent. Elie Wiesel, author, holocaust survivor, and so much more said the following and I agree with my whole heart…

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.

The following two books pictured are new releases this year, 2016. Both were on my library holds list and came in together last week. Pretty fitting for the weeks we have had recently. It amazes me how far we have come, how quickly we slide backwards and how some people live in such a bubble, that none of it affects them. Thus the cycles of history just keep repeating themselves. Peace on earth elusive. Peace, is to me what protestors, in the simplest form, are after. To me books always are the beat of my life, and so these right now are helpful. Both books so far, I am enjoying. They are really very well written and full of need to know history. Hoping to learn, and use what I’ve read. Even in my protesting I long and pray for peace. May we bring peace.



So while we are in advent and longing for Christmas,  and me longing for peace, let’s try to remember this about the baby who was born on Christmas Day and died for us.

“Even though Jesus loves everyone, even to the point of dying for their sins, he went out of his way to intentionally help specific groups of people — the alienated, mistreated, and those facing injustice.”
~Stephen Mattson


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