Bookcon Book Club The Diabolic



This is book three for me in this book club. I am learning a lot. I am also learning to read waaaaay out of my comfort zone. I am continually surprised that I can enjoy these genres that they are picking . These are books that I have stayed far from. Although I don’t “lose myself” or feel like I am inhaling or unable to stop reading the books they pick, I am learning about the attraction to the books they pick. This book The Diabolic, language wise, is very easy to read, it is very well written. The wording itself it can pull you in. This is NOT intended for children it is rated 14 plus, for violence. I realize kids are immune to a lot of violence but 14 plus is a good idea. This is Sci-Fi Dystopia like I am told. I don’t read either so I will have to pass on talking about that. I will say this description of it and our current political climate struck me ..

…the Empire begins to fracture and rebellion looms closer, Nemesis learns there is something more to her than just deadly force. She finds a humanity truer than what she encounters from most humans. Amidst all the danger, action, and intrigue, her humanity just might be the thing that saves her life—and the empire.

Everyone who read this did enjoy it. I would recommend it as a book club read for sure. Discussion about all the events in the book and even the violence will bring you to places and subjects that should be talked about with kids 14-18.

Book On.


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