Sarah Rayner

I picked up One Moment, One Morning five years ago from the library’s “NEW” shelf solely due to the picture on the cover of the tea cups. It is a story of what happens after a sudden unexpected death, in an unexpected place and at an unexpected time. The book follows several different storylines from the event and shows how they intertwine and the impact of grief. It is very well written. I really enjoyed it.

The Two Week Wait is about infertility and longing for family. It is very very real and raw. I am glad I read it after I had lived it and mostly healed from the hell of that life that was. I am, however glad I read it and the writing is splendid.

Another Night. Another Day I just finished last week. It is about mental heath and the care that involves. If nothing else it is a good book to read to learn to not judge another’s life and to extend grace and empathy way more than we do.

I enjoy Sarah’s writing very much I have missed a few of her published books that I will be looking up on my next trip to the library.

Reading is essential.

Book On.


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