Traveling Miss Dreamsville

Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women’s Literary Society
A Novel
Amy Hill Hearth

I’ve finished my traveling book! It’s all marked up and ready to go to the next person. This book was a hoot! It reminded me a little of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. A fun note, all the books mentioned in the book I have read. Making this book an even more fun read! I underlined and circled favorite sentences and paragraphs and wrote the word ‘HA’ quite a bit, along with some smiley faces, as I was reading along. I can not wait to get it back to see what others have underlined. The discussion at our quarterly meeting ought to be a really good time, since we are of all different ages and have differing beliefs!

Two of my favorite things I underlined:

“The idea is to read books that stimulated our minds and challenge us to think about the issues of the day.”


“….at the library, as a way of letting the community know that everyone is welcome. This is not a private club.”

So now I wait for the next traveling book to arrive. Until then my purple pen will rest and I will read something else from my massive TBR pile.

Book on.


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