Saw this on Twitter:
Kim Kardashian West and Chrissy Teigen are starting a BOOKCLUB
This very fact intrigued me. So I looked up the book: Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie. Then I tried to order it off Amazon, it was immediately back ordered! HA. So I ordered it used and simultaneously put it on hold at the library. Well it finally came in.
What a wonderful book. It’s short, you can read it in a night or long afternoon, or even two nights if you’re short on time. The authors tale of near death and my life had so many similarities, it was very good for me to read and I’m very glad that I ordered a copy for home.
Her ending “Above all else, “LOVE one another. I will continue to try.” Sums up how I feel. Good read for today with all the hate constantly around.
Wonderful of these ladies to get us all reading together.
PS I hear the next book is THE SHACK.