The Chalice & The Blade

“We either continue in the patriarchal mode and destroy humankind or return to the life-affirming, cooperative patterns of the Goddess–a system that is neither matriarchy nor patriarchy, but one of shared responsibilities and rewards where all work in harmony with nature and celebrate life rather than aggression and death.” Riane Eisler

I was introduced to this book at a read sit-in on Women’s Day.

Written in 1987, 30 years ago. It is history looked at in a way I have never read before. How we got to where we are now and how before this, there was peace, cooperation and harmony.

Coretta Scott King said, “Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul. ” The Dali Lama said the “The world will be saved by the western woman.” Putting down women as a race has not done the world well.

This book is a social analysis of men and woman in culture, the social cultures of our past,how we got here and the tension all of that entails. It is a case for equality, that will then lead to a peaceful culture. This is an important social history text reflecting even how women had leading roles right along with men in early Christianity. How when men and women value relationships and alliances more than power and possessions,  the culture is at peace.

Chalice: Life giving/creation of life
Blade: The power to take life

Extremely enlightening book. It was a lot to take in. It is definitely a book to be studied. Very good option for women’s studies.


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