A Time to Dance

This past May I traveled to BookCon. What a wonderful amazing experience. I got SOOOOO many free books!! Over 40. A ton of Advanced Reader Copy books. I also purchased books and got most of the books signed by the authors. Such a thrill!! Book people, I have found, are so very kind. I met a ton of new book friends and use the BookCon app weekly to catch up. Through this I have participated in bookclub were we all read a book we vote on and then discuss online together. So FUN.  An even better part of our sharing is that we give each other book recommendations, and post what we are reading, so others can maybe try something new. This is how I found out about this book:  A Time To Dance by Padma Venkatraman. A fellow reader posted that it was a must read, so I got it from the library. It is amazingly beautiful. Told in lyrical verse, it feels like a wonderful melody and you can’t wait to soak it in and turn the page. It is also an amazingly descriptive book, the word pictures it makes takes you on a wonderful journey. The main character Veda loses her leg and she must adapt her dream a bit, she is very resilient in this process. Her grandma also lives with her and her family and is very wise and sweet, which made me smile and miss my grandma.

Wonderful read. Will definitely be buying a copy for my library.


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