Board Books: teaching a love of books.

The board books in the library are all sorted and neatly put in their ‘SHARE’ jute tote all ready for my grand baby to come and read them. He’s three and already has a huge love for books! How could he not, right??!! He usually asks for a least 10 different books to be read to him before bed and will page through several before falling asleep. This makes my heart smile! He will also sit on your lap and listen to a book being read to him, which of course is a favorite of mine.

He arrives tomorrow for a short visit and I can’t wait to see him. We are also entertaining two girls that I have mentored  in the past and still give  books and advice to, though it’s just a tiny bit now, since they have babies and are moms themselves. So there will be little ones to hold as well! Nothing like holding new life!


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