Little House Love

My son is enamored with all things Little House. We have watched the entire television series (except for maybe 2 or 3 that are not appropriate) a couple of times. He has just started reading the books now. This summer we are planning to read them all! There is something sweet and comforting about these books. Although they face many hardships, the core of their family remains tight and determined. The high moral values shown in the show are one of the things that draw him to it.

Some of the shows themes we have been able to use in real life examples lately and it will come up in conversation, “Remember when Albert was on drugs? Is that what they mean about how you act on drugs?” “Remember when Laura was bullied by that teacher?” “Charles would say that…..”  Letting me know that it is really sinking in, all the lessons taught on that wonderful show. It is also fun for my child to see the people singing the same songs he sings at church and the little school has some similarities to his little school, a classical learning Ambleside Charlotte Mason School.

Recently we received The Adventures of Laura & Jack: Reillustrated Edition (Little House Chapter Book) by Laura Ingalls Wilder  We are excited to read this, and although it appears to be an easy reader it is done really well and will be a good one to pick to read in an afternoon in the sun this summer.

So as summer is fast approaching-YIPPIE-our reading plans are gearing up and we can not wait to get started on this series.


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