Amazing History of AIDS; its activist and the fight to find a cure.


This book tore me up and inspired me. Such a brutal disease and time in our history. Devastatingly beautiful in it’s telling, this book is an amazing historical witness that needs to be read by everyone.

I was amazed to find passages about my neck of the woods in this book, places the author grew up and I loathe living. I would love to say times have changed and the people are better, but they aren’t and the fight continues. This makes me so incredibly sick to my stomach that there aren’t actually words to describe how very frustrating it is. Only that I do all that is in my power to spread love.

The immense history and explanations of the medical side of the equation of AIDS, all the science explained in careful detail, is incredibly helpful and my hope is that it leads to understanding. The activism that many many people were a part of is sheer tenacity, bravery, desperation, unwavering stamina and truly is the reason we have the hope we have today of being able to live with this awful disease. Just amazing.

Reading this book I researched and googled more than any other book in recent memory. I also cried buckets and then wanted to use a bucket to puke in. So many beautiful people gone, so young, so amazing, so much lost to this world. Hatred and prejudice of all kinds are extremely hard for me to take in. Love is so much easier and accomplishes so much more. This book made me heartbroken to my very core. Such a massively important read.

Get a copy, buy a copy, borrow a copy…….Personally I pre-ordered the paperback to keep to refer back to and teach from.

May we do better and be better.

Now to watch the documentary. My kleenex box and I.


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