Gone With The Wind

With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.

Rhett Butler once again makes an amazing point, no matter what people say, a reputation is not necessarily everything. If youre willing to stand for something even if your reputation is ruined, youll still be successful.

PAGE 747!!! I am getting there!!! I am very much enjoying the story now. It took awhile for me to be absolutely enamored with this book. I even like Scarlett on occasion now. I continually remind myself of the time that this was written and the time that was written about. There are so many tidbits of wisdom, even from the unlikeliest of characters in this story. I’m very grateful for the prompt to read this book. I wish my grandma could see me holding her book and enjoying the story. I would love to discuss it with her. We had such fun talks over the span of my life. She had some fairly forward opinions for a woman raised in the times she was. I cherish a lot of her advice and use it almost daily sometimes.

Being the first to awaken in my house, make coffee and sit with this book has been a gift.

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