BOTM BUDDY READ: As Bright As Heaven

I’ve finished As Bright As Heaven. My last discussion on this book is tomorrow. I have enjoyed this book very much! I also ended up reading over 10 books on the 1918 Spanish Flu! The story is well told and has so many lines in it that are worth quoting, it was amazing to read. I do like the ending, as the book does not really end. It just stops. This is one of my favorite ways for a book to end. I do not enjoy books that end with everything ‘all tied up neatly in a bow’… Makes me GAG.

The history in the book is spot on and I love the authors note at the end. One of the best I’ve read in a long while. This was a good read for me and the discussion it created with my fellow buddy readers was just fantastic!

For this week’s discussion I had to read the last 100 pages. My favorite quotes from this passage are….

“We only see a little bit of our stories at a time, and the hard parts remind us too harshly that we’re fragile and flawed. But it isn’t all hard. Your story isn’t all hard parts. Some of it’s incredibly beautiful.”

“We are all of us, living out the stories of our lives…….”


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