The English Wife
We have finished our Buddy Read. It was a wild ride!
Annabelle!!!! She is alive! What did you think ?! “If you don’t like the truth don’t come looking for it” Georgie says to Giles, do you think Giles knew? How do you like how this ended ?
Bay not defending Georgie to the extent she thought he would was crushing to read. What were your thoughts? She then asked for a divorce. Do you think she would have gone through with it
I want something for ME something that’s mine. Georgie explains to Bay as he panics and tries to do everything to keep her. Do you think she was in that water? Or do you think she fled??
Janie realized in PANIC that the brooch aka the jewel was her mother’s slowly releasing the truth …did you figure it out before this ???
Poor Georgie. Her mum died. Her brother died and she was treated like absolute trash. What a childhood. What did you think of Georgie? She ended up being my favorite .
Anne surprised me by forcefully sticking up for Annabelle ! She redeemed herself quite a bit in this last section. It also appears she will take good care of the children. What were your thoughts here? Anne was quite the force to be reckoned with there at the end! Wow.
Burke and Janie thoughts ? I never came to like their story. How did you like their love story? What do you think will happen with them?
Can you believe it was THE MOTHER???
We had an amazing time discussing these questions. Most of the readers ended up really enjoying the read. I found the Dutch culture and actions of the people described in this book, the social climate, social standing importance, religiosity all so similar to how I grew up and where I live, so very surreal and very eerie!! The constant Shakespeare recited and quoted really made me happy. It was fun to see if there were clues in the Shakespeare that would help me figure out the mystery of who the murderer was, and who the characters actually were.
Next up is Spinning Silver a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin.