Our Book of The Month Buddy Read for July
It is hard to articulate in words what it is like to read passages from a book that you yourself have said, and or experienced. Validation comes to mind. Especially since this is a memoir. I applaud Stephanie for being brave enough to write this book. I do so hope she publishes more of her writing. We had such very good discussions every week reading through this read. It warmed my heart that people actually learned and were exposed to poverty, single motherhood, abuse, how the system ACTUALLY works. People also felt free to say me too, this was my experience too. Others said I had no idea. The best for me is there was no judgement spoken. Take a minute and realize that people from all over the world participated in this discussion and reading of this book and NOT ONE PERSON JUDGED, not one. This warmed my heart. Especially the women uplifting others when someone would share their story. Immense empathy, learning and healing was done reading this book, for me, for many in our group and I’d dare to bet others reading this. President Obama just put this on his summer reads book and I am so very excited for Stephanie, but also for others to pick it up and soak it in. Give it a read. The knowledge and seeing of Stephanie is a reminder that there are a million Stephanies. We need to do better. Fight for better lives for our working poor. Be better to others, open our eyes and see the unseen.