Tales of Mother Goose

Children’s Classic Read 2019

This was a riot to read. I enjoyed it way more than I had planned on.

I have always enjoyed Cinderella. It dates back to 6th century Greece. There are hundreds and hundreds of versions of Cinderella. However, In Cendrillon, Charles Perrault — the French writer credited with inventing the fairy tale — cast the form that Cinderella would take for the next 400 years. He introduced the glass slipper, the pumpkin, and the fairy godmother (minus the bibbidi bobbidi boo). This is the version Disney later adapted into its animated classic. This Charles is the author of Tales of Mother Goose. I found these tales more likable than Disney versions of the same stories and I like it almost as well as The Brother’s Grimm. I highly recommend reading them.

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