FoodandLit Brazil

Clarice Lispector was a Brazilian novelist and short story writer acclaimed internationally for her innovative novels and short stories. Born to a Jewish family in Podolia in Western Ukraine, as an infant she moved to Brazil with her family, amidst the disasters engulfing her native land following the First World War.  This has become a new favorite find for me. These Complete Stories is now something I want to own. I borrowed a copy from the library and immediately wanted to highlight and tab. Thus I need to own it as I will be rereading this time to time I can imagine. What a wonderful find by joining FoodandLit.

Clarice Lispector’s Complete Stories, 85 in all, are an epiphany, among the important books of this―or any―year

The recent publication by New Directions of five Lispector novels revealed to legions of new readers her darkness and dazzle. Now, for the first time in English, are all the stories that made her a Brazilian legend: from teenagers coming into awareness of their sexual and artistic powers to humdrum housewives whose lives are shattered by unexpected epiphanies to old people who don’t know what to do with themselves. Clarice’s stories take us through their lives―and ours.

From one of the greatest modern writers, these stories, gathered from the nine collections published during her lifetime, follow an unbroken time line of success as a writer, from her adolescence to her death bed. 

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