Summer Ghost Stories

The Legend of Sleepy Hallow- Summer Camp Memories

Washington Irving’s 1820 tale of a headless horseman who terrorizes the real-life village of Sleepy Hollow is considered one of America’s first ghost stories—and one of its scariest. But Irving didn’t invent the idea of a headless rider. Tales of headless horsemen can be traced to the Middle Ages, including stories from the Brothers Grimm and the Dutch and Irish legend of the “Dullahan” or “Gan Ceann,” a Grim Reaper-like rider who carries his head. Elizabeth Bradley, a historian at Historic Hudson Valley, says a likely source for Irving’s horseman can be found in Sir Walter Scott’s 1796 The Chase, which is a translation of the German poem The Wild Huntsman by Gottfried Bürger and likely based on Norse mythology. Irving’s story takes place in the New York village of Sleepy Hollow, in Westchester County. In it, lanky newcomer and schoolmaster Ichabod Crane courts Katrina van Tassel, a young heiress who is also being pursued by the Dutchman Brom Bones. After being rebuffed by Katrina at a party at the van Tassel farm where ghost stories are shared, Ichabod is chased by a headless horseman (who may or may not be his rival) who hurls a pumpkin at the man, throwing Ichabod from his horse. The schoolmaster vanishes.


This story, told to me at summer camp, scared the life out of me. I’ve never read it as an adult, so since it’s coming into July the month I went to camp, I thought I’d revisit this ghost story as part of my #ChildrensClassicRead2021 

💀🐎🏕 📙

The Wild Huntsman
By Gottfried Bürge

A heedless wretch has crossed the way; 
He gasps the thundering hoofs below; — 
But live who can, or die who may, 
Still, ” Forward, forward!” on they go.

#ChildrensClassicRead2021 JULY

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