Obama Buddy Read TWO

Part Two Notes & Thoughts :


I like his grounding his memories to center them in reality. A good lesson for us all.

“The normal rules of speech no long applied. Words carried a different weight than before.”


President Obama knew how to process information. Did it well.

His admiration of Hillary, more so than Bill (I believe).

I love the memory and the story of the GRASSROOTS, the young people.

“We do not attack our opponent.” Motto.

(Sidebar-obviously since we just had a man accused of rape amongst other things be president…..and opposing sides attack the person- not their policies – which is what is really the whole entire POINT.)

The rational of talk to anyone no matter WHO or what country I agree with. To avoid war. (THIS!!!!)

Side Note: IF you followed President Obama from the beginning or even ever listened to him- his views should not have shocked you!


“The right message for the right time.”

(Why people don’t see this is unreal to me.)

Ted Kennedy endorsing Barak Obama. I remember this happening so clearly. I was so thrilled! Also, flawed as he was, I did appreciate and admire Senator Kennedy’s dedication to this country and its people.

Technology helped Barak’s campaign. HOWEVER eventually this very thing would and IS CURRENTLY OUR DEMISE.

Substance matters more than symbolism. (!!!!!!!)

Michelle receiving an EXTRA helping of stereotypes and hatred and criticism ….

STOKED BY FEAR and UGLY AGENDA- why?- Because a Black Family COULD be in the White House.

The threat on the life of Barak, right away and MORE THAN EVER SEEN BEFORE EVER……..
(tell me your country is RACIST without telling me your country is RACIST).

I like how the mistakes President Obama made are owned by him so far in my reading here.

Pages 144-145 His gaffes.

I believe he is correct in “Policy doesn’t matter to someone who thinks they will LOSE” – their ‘faith’ ‘their right to be homophobic racist bigots…..their benefit of way of life because of privilege.
(I personally find it ironic that these same people are just fine with OTHERS losing or never gaining theirs.)

Thoughts while reading- I wonder why Hillary ran again after this run portrayed in this book. Did she not realize the scope of hatred of her? I admire her for all she has accomplished, but even I knew how very much people hate her. Seething hatred. On both sides.

Joe Biden. I still believe Joe Biden was the correct VP pick. I also believe he is the man for the job now. I have plenty I do not like – but I do believe he is the right person.

I have always admired John McCain, the portrayal here is, I believe accurate. I do believe opening the door to Sarah Palin helped open the door to Trump. Much to our detriment …. Once she was on McCains ticket it was game over. Only to eight years later have to pay for it. How John McCain was treated in death by the then sitting president of his own party was something so sick, there are no words.

Michelle Obama NEVER given enough credit. To this date.

I still cannot get over President Obama’s grandma did not live to see him in the White House.

The Election night image President Obama keeps in his head tells of the person he is. Beautiful.

On to Part Three.

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