Bianca darling I love you …

I fell in love with Bianca when I first watched, as a little girl, the original Disney’s The Rescuers (not Rescuer’s Down Under). Her voice was my absolute favorite as well (Ava Gabor). Bianca in this book is just purely amazing. I love her wit.

The Rescuers is a British children’s novel written by Margery Sharp and illustrated by Garth Williams; its first edition was published in 1959 by Collins in the United Kingdom and Little, Brown in the United States. The novel is the first in a series of stories about Miss Bianca, a socialite mouse who volunteered to lend assistance to people and animals in danger.


Now I get to rewatch the movie for the first time in decades!

What a fun month in Children’s Classic Read we all had.

On to February we go…..

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