How about them apples….in a cake. YUM.

A version of this recipe, for a cake more common in the United States than in Britain, features in Peggy Hutchinson’s delightfully snippy Home Made Cake, Pastry and Biscuit Secrets, published in the mid-1950s. It’s based on the 1-2-3-4 cake principle, building up the butter, sugar, and flour proportionately and replacing half of the eggs with applesauce.
Apples feature several times as an ingredient in Call the Midwife, which, despite its urban setting, reminds us that fruits and vegetables are seasonal. Fred’s allotment is a constant source of vegetables, while grateful parents regularly offer produce from their own plots and gardens to the nuns and nurses at Nonnatus House. This can get to be too much. In season 5, episode 5, we see the Nonnatus residents become progressively less keen on the produce rolling around on the porch.
This recipe uses only two cooking apples, but it’s a start.

These recipes are just lovely, simple and easy to make. The mention of exact episodes on each recipe page is one of the best things about this cookbook. It is so much fun to make the recipe and then watch the episode. Such a zen thing in such a dark world.