On the hunt…….

It’s time to start collecting books again!! I have delivered books to Chicago Lights Tutoring program. Children I mentor or volunteer with have received books, and books were given to a little free library that was robbed of all its books  (that was in front of an elementary school!! SERIOUSLY-who does that?!).  There are two huge library sales in my future, but until then I will be shopping thrift stores, checking with friends and stacking up slowly to be able to give again! Such a joy to know books are being accessible to so many hands and more importantly minds and souls. Imagine life with out books and reading. I shutter at the thought!!!

In other news we are getting excited for summertime and the local bookmobile’s once a week stops to trade books in our city!

Some of the books I’ve given away pictured below…I often forget to take a picture or keep track, really because it isn’t that important to me. Getting the books in to hands is the goal.

Literacy is everything.


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